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For the love of donuts!

There are some things that bring you back to your childhood. For me, donuts are one of them.

Not just any donuts, but a particular place gets me right back to being 7 years old and sitting in the shop, the Donut Shop, that is. At Old Town Donuts, you’ll find a comfortable atmosphere where enjoying a sugary pastry is one of life’s pleasures. I’d sit there with my mom and brother and we’d munch on our donuts. We’d have our choice of drink: Mom with her cup of black coffee and my brother and I with those lovely cartons of milk (mine chocolate, his traditional white). My mom, being no stranger to anyone, would make friends every visit and we’d learn about new people, hear stories, see fun things. We’d sit there until the wee hours of the night, doing our homework, begging for another donut and sticking it out because of our sugar high.

When Roman was about two, I gave him his first experience at Old Town Donuts. Now, close to the same age, it’s Milo’s turn.


AAAAND we are just so psyched that Old Town has come to our town!
While I love going “back home” to get my donut fix, it sure is nice to have one just down the road at their new location in Cottleville!

What is it about a pastry case that makes kids (and adults) run up and press their nose to the glass?


Of course, I scanned the many donuts making sure my favorite was there…


Little ones are always treated to some complimentary donut holes.


For me???


Chow Time!


I can’t tell you how hard it was to get a photo of their donut fun. Those little piggies ate so fast I could hardly get a shot of one bite of donut.




Must get…




in mouth!


The end result of donut eating is super-hyper kids with their silly faces.




For the love of these donuts, that’s okay with me!

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